The parts that make BombFace Creative Mission - BombFace  Brand

 Creative outlet for style & originality is what I create. The scientific connection is made through interest and questions. The spark of curiosity to ask a question is what connects one reality with another.

 Why Do We Create? 

It's an energy that resides within everyone. This energy show in on person more than others, but we all create & are apart of the creation. Creation is a connection to and experience in reality what the person intended for us to experience. This is just as if the wind blow, and once you experience the wind you appreciate it's stillness. 

Creation is an experience we manifest into flesh through faith & actions. This is without knowledge of the outcome, but beauty in the formation of an individuals imagination. 

The Music

Music is a vibration created to express our natural energy. We can communicate pain, struggle, love, peace, joy, and a number of emotions through vibrations of sound. 

The necessary cords and sounds vibrate in rhythm to move our body in joy and expression. In our expression we get to let out this emotional feeling. Music provides this connective outlet to bring together communities from different backgrounds from diverse families.

The Art

Creating through sketch, paint, objects, sounds, and every form of Art that I missed. Art is meant to challenge! A statement I make because it is expressed when anyone create something new. Art challenges people to think, feel, and express an idea.

Color affect mood and opens up the emotions of reception. This then has an effect on your mood. The Art move this emotion build within the human experience. To be receptive is and accepting feeling and shows strength in understanding oneself before moving forward. To be able to start a conversation because of the art is the human experience I want to achieve. The simple conversations sometimes break down our inner barriers to be accepting of someone else differences. Growth is in the dynamics of differences interchanged  without conflict or coral. 

The Science

BombFace Brand is connected through science. Science is the connection that allows us to keep the energy of expression of Art alive. The very science is in our DNA and it is a connection. Knowing who you are is the fabric to your style. Expressing this style of individualism connects the idea of Expression of Freedom. The connection creates the science and is the science that continues. In some way we are connected.  So the Best way to be seen is as yourself. So when you are connected with someone you are connecting through originality. 

Be You! Be Great!

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