1st NYC Experience - BombFace  Brand

Start Fast Build Ego!

Start slow build Character!

 The first experience was because I won a competition among other streetwear brand owners. We won a 72hr slot campaign on NY Billboard in Time Square.

 When I entered into this I had no clue what to expect. I was just off of the trade show in Las Vegas and that opened doors for me to be able to network with industry buyers. 
 Nervous is the first word to describe how I felt after conversations on the phone with the coordinators for the competition. 
 In a busy large city I wasn’t sure what to expect or what to do. This was new territory for me (am I suppose to be here?) The type of questions that canvas my thoughts.

 The flight from Seattle to NYC was something to experience in itself. I Vegas to walk to streets of Manhattan and surveyed the different areas. My thoughts “man this is just like TV” so it made me begin to question if  the experience was even really real. I was aware of nervousness but when the doubtful thoughts start to confront me then I knew I was in presents of opportunity. 
  I had a custom jacket I made to expand the brand identity. The Jacket I made was filled with my thoughts into the paint to display a meaning. I mentioned this jacket because it was the very conversation piece that allowed me to interact with the people walking the streets of NYC.
The random interaction and appreciation for my style opened a world of Art in Fashion. The single complement allowed me to recognise and appreciate what The Most High (God) blessed me with in ability. This seed cultivated into creation and appreciation for being yourself. 
  Observing the other cultures and each have their own style display the diversity in the rich tradition in being a New Yorker. 

The Time Square Billboard is a not in accomplishments for experience. The success of the competition showed me that I belong in the industry. It confirmed the peaceful feeling I felt while confined in a cell in prisión at Idaho Correction Center. 
 The moment felt overwhelming, but I wasn’t sure if this means I was going to instantly be a millionaire?

 There are plenty of questions that entered my mind: Why is the meaning of a successful person? Was I growing the brand too fast? Do people even understand the message in the custom designs? 
 With all these questions that entered my mind I was sure I entered into a new world. 

 When you own the responsibility to be a better person and grow your skills then this will eliminate the doubt of belonging. You will own your skill and know your abilities. Building your skills fuel confidence in yourself. 
 Success is knocking at your door of opportunity. “I can give it to you but what you going to do with it?” The lyrics to a song written by J.O. Felony. Opportunity come to those who are prepared and unprepared. It’s what you do with them that describes you! 
  I always say take the opportunity and growth, but grow slow and work on yourself it will eliminate the doubt in the process. Who you an are is what you accomplish. 
Be You! be Great!


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